blind corner diy

blind corner diy

Blind spots are areas in your home where you can’t see clearly, making them potential safety hazards. Here are five DIY solutions for eliminating blind spots and making your home safer:

1. Rearrange Furniture: Move furniture away from walls and windows to create better lines of sight. Avoid placing large pieces of furniture in corners or doorways to open up the space and improve visibility.

2. Use Mirrors: Place mirrors strategically to reflect light and increase visibility in dark or hidden areas. Mirrors can also create the illusion of more space and help you see around corners.

3. Install Motion-Activated Lights: Adding motion-activated lights in hallways, stairwells, and other dimly lit areas can help you see better at night and alert you to any movement in those spaces.

4. Trim Shrubs and Trees: Overgrown shrubs and trees near windows can create blind spots by blocking your view. Trim back vegetation to improve visibility and deter potential intruders from hiding near your home.

5. Add Security Cameras: Installing security cameras can provide you with live footage of different areas in and around your home, reducing blind spots and giving you peace of mind. Make sure to place cameras in strategic locations for maximum coverage.

By implementing these simple DIY solutions, you can eliminate blind spots in your home and create a safer living environment for you and your family.